Friday, February 27, 2009

Reflection on Pictorial exercise

Today, in my Language Arts class, our teacher conducted a very interesting lesson-a pictorial exercise. Curious? Let me tell you more about it. Our teacher, two days before the exercise, wanted us to go home and take a simple test which tells you what is your preferred learning style. It was quite interesting. Here, have a look at mine......
As you can see, my top three learning styles are Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Logical. On the exercise day itself I was grouped into the Interpersonal team. In overall the exercise was extremely team work required and fun. However our group managed to complete the exercise fast. The exercise is matching lots of pictures in a sequence that will tell a story. I think that this exercise had helped me develop more on my visual skills and team work skills. It is a very useful exercise for anyone who wants to boost their visualisation skills. In think that our LA teacher made a good choice about letting us do this exercise. In the future, I hope that more pictorial exercises would be executed on us so that we can enhance our visual skills and thinking skills. I also learned that stories can be told not only through narratives or texts but through graphics only. In fact, I find that graphics books are more interesting to read and look at as I can get both visual information and the plot of the story itself.