Monday, February 23, 2009

Why did I do it?

I did not see this coming. All this is so unfair! However, after thinking thorugh the actions I have taken regarding the small "patriotism matter", I realised that I have brought this all upon myself. Why did I do it? WHY DID I DO IT!?

This new "Washington Academy" really stinks like my Grandmother's smelly laundry. There is no track, the sport which I love the most, and they even tried to please me by making me try out for the soccer team!, the sport I hate the most! As if I will fall for their "little trick"......

There is no such rule that prohibits students from singing the "Star Spangled Banner" and in fact I found that I was not really being patriotic by humming the anthem but just trying to create trouble and sabotage Miss Narwin. I do not even know the lyrics of my own country's anthem and I was in the center of the patriotic discussion. This morning, my homeroom teacher asked me to lead the school in singing the "Star Spangled Banner". I replied by muttering that I do not know the words. As a result, I was laughed at and even mistrusted by my homeroom teacher. I wish I could turn time back. If only I had just kept my mouth shut and respected the school rule and studied hard, I would not have gotten into this mess.
Why did I do it? I really wish I had a 'Time Machine' then I could go back in time and turn everything back to how they were......

1 comment:

  1. Nice picture. Time machine....good luck. Only one person to blame for the whole fiasco, and we know who that is! Mr. S
