Wednesday, July 28, 2010

This Week. Sniper Frenzy,

This week has been the busiest moment in my school life so far. With powerpoints popping up here and there, CA Interviews, and Panel Discussions beckoning me from all directions, I have to admit: It's fun.

Somtimes you just wonder. Why am I pushing myself forward? For what purpose? For Whom? And the first things that pops up into your mind are politically correct answers. I am doing this for my own good. For my parents. For my Life. And you just know it, its true.

I had Council General Meeting today. For that purpose, I had to wear the prestigious council uniform all day long. It gave me heaps of trouble but oh well, its cool. At least I didn't have to change into swimming trunks today and go throught the tedious process of putting on formal clothings twice.

Math Test was on Monday. Trigonometry. Somehow I had studied so hard for it and I still had 2 questions unanswered. And I realised, you mustn't just study hard, you have to study smart.

Language Arts Lessons were the most memorable these few days. Presentations we had to craft ourselves from different points of view all presented before everyone's eyes. Not repetition. It was a great experience. Miss Loh's modules just does those.

This week was not just mirror images. There were differences almost every day. And that's what made it so fun. Variety. A twist from repetition. Repetition. It just tires you out whenever it has the chance. Same old process. Same old actions. But one thing is clear about it. They're safe. And steady. And reliable. I gotta go now. Sichuan Landslide and Three Kingdoms are waiting for me.


  1. Sounds quite busy. :/ Luckily I read this post several days late and this is all over for now. :)

  2. Well, that's how life is. In fact that is how our mind thinks. We don't think in a timetable of order, we think in a stream events flow through like something in a river. I guess, your river is raging!
